IJMIE, Inderscience will be in SCOPUS soon
AlhamduLillah, pada tahun lepas saya mencalonkan International Journal Management in Education (IJMIE), terbitan Inderscience untuk disenaraikan dalam SCOPUS, dan dalam minggu lepas saya menerima berita baik dari "evaluation committee" mencalonkan IJMIE dalam SCOPUS. Tahniah IJMIE. Mesej SCOPUS evaluation committee adalah seperti berikut;
Title: International Journal of Management in Education
ISSN / E-ISSN: 1750-385X / 1750-3868
Publisher: Inderscience Publishers
Dear Prof. Dr. Norzaidi Mohd Daud,
The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus.
Title: International Journal of Management in Education
ISSN / E-ISSN: 1750-385X / 1750-3868
Publisher: Inderscience Publishers
Dear Prof. Dr. Norzaidi Mohd Daud,
The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus.