Online Questionnaire-EFM (Perseus)
Dear Researchers/Ph.D Candidates,
There is a good/recommended online survey-system that called perseus surveysolutions/EFM. Details on perseus;
Perseus surveysolutions/EFM is a comprehensive survey system that brings efficiencies to the entire web-survey process. From questionnairedesign and respondent management to real-time web-based reporting and analysis, surveysolutions feastures a unique combination of ease of use, power, flexibility, scalability and security.
Moreover, Perseus surveysolutions/EFM is a unique web survey application that provides centralised control and management of the survey process, enterpises-wide. With SurveySolution/EFM, administrators can centrally control the survey practices of their organisation by applying content approvals and controls throughout the entire survey process in a secure, shared enviroment. In addition, users can produce surveys; colloborate on survey projects; and get the results they need without having to rely on IT reseources.