Bidang Pengajian Peringkat Ijazah Ph.D untuk tawaran biasiswa staf

Fakulti Pengurusan Perniagaan telah menyenarai beberapa bidang bagi biasiswa staf peringkat Ph.D 2009. Diantara bidang mengikut 'niche expertise' yang dicadangkan adalah seperti berikut;
- enterprise wide risk management
-retail merchandising
-retail operations and technology
-visual merchandising/retail promotion
-fashion retailing
-agro-basd marketing
-halal marketing/retailing
-global marketing/retailing
-internet marketing
-sustainability marketing
-relationship marketing
-event marketing
-marketing communication
-marketing channel
-stuctural and design changes in organizations
-organization development and change management
-organization theory
Human Resource Management
-workplace diversity management
-employee and labor relations
-employee safety and health
International Business
-multi-lateral enviromental agreements
-international transition costs economics
-international trade enviroment
-international negitition skills and diplomacy
-cultural influence on international business search engines
Islamic Banking and Finance
-fundamentals of Islamic finance
-contractual bases in Islamic finance
-products and procedures in Islamic finance
-mergers and acquisitions
-fized income/bond portfolio management
-money market and treasury management
-technopreneurship and innovation
-corporate entrepreneuship & entrepreneurship strategy
-entrepreneurship education
-entrepreneurship behavior and motivation
-agricultural economics
-Islamic economics
-econometris and statistics
-growth and development economics
-international trade and finance/dynamics games/games theory
-enviromental economics/green economics
-industrial economics and organizations
-monetary/financial economics
-labor economics
-knowledge-economy (K-economy)/economics of information
-political economy/demograhic economics/regional economy
-economics policy analysis/optimal policy
-microecnomis/macroeconomics theory
-shipping and port operations
-land transport
Operations Management
-technology management
-supply chain management
Kepada bakal pemegang biasiswa, maklumat di atas adalah penting bagi menentukan bidang kajian anda. Dengan naklumat di atas, anda sekurang-kurangnya akan dapat membuat persediaan bagi permohonan biasiswa kelak. Selamat belajar.
