Apa yang nilai oleh external examiner?

Terdapat beberapa perkara yang perlu diambil perhatian oleh phd candidate dalam penulisan thesis mereka. Di antara perkara penting yang perlu diutamakan dalam penulisan thesis ialah;
  • a. research methodology
  • b. presentation
  • c. analysis
  • d. singnificance of findings
  • e. possibility of publication
  • f. coverage of subject matter
  • g. knowledge & skills
  • h. original contribution to knowledge
Contoh comment external examiner bagi phd saya;
  • External 1-Professor dari USA
  • I believe that the research techniques adopted by the candidate are suitable and appropriate. I am satisfied with the amount of data collected, taking into account the level of difficuly of the topic and the availability and accessibility of relevent information and statistical data in the thesis.
  • The candidate shows evidence of original contribution in the analysis and conclusion drawn from the data gathered. Credit is given to the candidate who has intelligently applied appropriate principles and practices relevent to the topic under the thesis study. Credit is also given to the candidate's ability to analyze critically the data collected and to write a coherent and analytical thesis from the data collected.
  • External 2-Professor dari Australia
  • The study is quantitative in nature and highly appropriate for perception studies. The research framwork and strategy are well formulated with proper safe-guards in regards to biasness. The candidate has been consistent and has followed research protocols in developing the research propositions for testing. Equally the analysis and the results have been developed and presented professionally and accurately. This highlights the candidates clear understanding of research techniques.
InsyaAllah dengan sedikit panduan ini diharapkan rakan-rakan yang masih menulis thesis akan dapat menggunakan panduan ini bagi menghasilkan penulisan thesis yang baik.

Saya juga syorkan anda merujuk kepada beberapa buah PhD thesis di perpustakaan UiTM iaitu:

  • Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamed Hashim Muhd Kamil-Literature Review
  • Prof Dr. Fauziah Nordin-Methodology
  • Prof. Madya Dr. Tengku Jamaluddin-Methodology


Hazelsyd said…
Thanks for these tips. Saya pon tengah blajar di peringkat sarjana jugak..maybe this comment a bit outdated dari your current entry..baru tersampai ke sini...will be back reading insyaallah..