How to write objectives of study?

There are a few guidelines on how to write objectives of study.
Start with general objective and then follows with specific objectives. General objective MUST be ONE, however, specific objectives could be MANY.
Example of general objective;
1. This study is attempt to examine the impact of intranet usage on middle manager's performance
Example of specific objectives;
This study are attempts;
1. to examine the relationship between task characteristics and task-technology fit
2. to examine the relationship between technology characteristics and task-technology fit
3. to examine the relationship between task-technology fit and middle manager's performance
Please use the correct term when reciting your objectives, for instance;
1. to examine
2. to investigate
3. to determine


Anonymous said…
something is wrong with your grammar
Unknown said…
tnx for ur little help
Unknown said…
tnx for ur little help